Monday, November 17, 2008

Pay It Forward!!!!

Hey Guys,

See the PAY IT FORWARD button on the side of my blog? Here's how it works. I am one of the three people who committed, which means Lani will send me a hand made gift sometime in the next 6-12 months (or sooner if she can). In turn I promise to send a hand made gift sometime in the next 6-12 months to the first three people who comment and commit themselves to playing. In order to play you must post it to your own blog, and promise to send handmade gifts to the first three people who leave you a comment committing themselves to playing along. So if you would like to receive a handmade gift, leave a comment!!!! I'm eager too to see who wants to play! The button on the side of my blog links back to Lani's blog, where I commited to the Pay It Forward.


F.Gina said...

I want to play with you, if not problem for you, I live in Hungary. Come and see my blog, and after say me, I can play with you or not :))
Bye-bye Gina
PS I know this play, 'cause I played this 1 month ago. I can not speak wery well, but I have a good translate program in my blog.

F.Gina said...

Hi, Tissy ! I only want to say you, I finished to looking for partners, because I have 3 lovely ladies now !!

~Niki~ said...

Thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!!for the awesome squishy box of fabrics/shirtings! I see you are a transcriptionist as well. I've been working from home for 8 years now. Talk to you soon. niki