These are my blocks for the new mystery that Bonnie Hunter at has on her site. I changed the colors slightly so that I could call it Carolina Autumn since I don't celebrate Christmas but I love the layout and the pattern sooooo much. Bonnie is great to share with us even though she is going to publish this in her next book (can't wait). But once I got to this point I stopped because I wanted to do another set with more color control. Once I get them done I will post. I have them all cut out even down to the border so it shouldn't take me long. I have added a lot of blue and will probably call the next one Carolina Winter. Thanks again for your generosity Bonnie!!!!
And totally off topic it is 1 degree in Fredericktown, Missouri this morning. COOOOOOLLD!
I can't wait to see your blocks on point. I can't quite decide what I want to do with mine, yet. I have a little time to figure it out, I have the stars done, but I'm just putting the poinsettas together now.
Regarding the patterns: no, I didn't get them. I didn't know there were any.
I am so impressed with those of you who have gotten so much done. I too love Bonnie's quilts, but they are NOT for the faint hearted :-). I have just completed the 192 blocks that will eventually become the poinsetta blocks. I haven't really been going in sequence. I started out that way and got so overwhelmed with the volume of "pieces", to keep myself going I skipped to the part where you put them together to make a block. I will now go "back" and make the parts for the stars.
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